Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holding Our Breaths

Well, good news bad news. Monday night Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin passed away, and guess who was on call. Another neat experience. One of his daughters and her husband are in our stake and he is in the stake presidency. He is the nephew of Bruce R. McKonkie. Sort of funny, anyways. That was neat.

The good news we also received last night was that we put an offer in on a house and they accepted it the same night. We are excited, but are proceeding with caution and not getting too excited until we have the keys to the door. Hopefully we could be in by Christmas. We will see. Here is a link to see the listing of the house.

You can click on property tour to see some photos. I also think the address is sort of cool 1 East 1470 South (just the 1 East is cool)


Diana Glade said...

Good luck! I love the new house. Did Matt tell you we are coming in to town this weekend? John Hatch's wedding. Anyway, hopefully we can see you guys. I didn't know about Elder Wirthlin; we always find out Church news from you!

Michael said...

Nice house! It doesn't look like you have anything to fix on this one. Hopefully it works out and you can get in for the holidays. Congrats!