Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Vacation/Reunion in 2010

So not a whole lot of news to tell about our family (we are sort of boring - ask Sarah), but I wanted to throw the idea of having a family vacation sometime in 2010 that everyone could come to. I talked to Dad one time about it, and just wanted to get the idea out there, especially since Michael mentioned something about going to Cali that year. A couple of ideas that come to mind would be going to Cali to DisneyLand (assuming Matthew and Diana are still there that would give us a place to stay), cabins at Colter Bay, or going to Nauvoo. I guess it would be good if we could try and find a place that was sort of "in the middle" for everyone, but I don't know what that would be. I guess we could meet in Ship Rock and spend a week there. Anyways just wanted to get some feelers out and see what people thought. The other thing would be how long we wanted to gather and what time of the year. Another idea that could be a little expensive, but maybe lots of fun - house boat at Lake Powell, or renting a boat and staying down there and playing on the lake. Let's try and make something happen and keep this in mind when planning your family - no babies in 2010 (kidding)


Diana Glade said...

We would love for anyone to come visit us anytime - and we're up for a family reunion where ever and whenever....just can't guarantee the no baby thing! :) We've got to get a move on - Parker is over 1! :)

Michael said...

No mo babies here!!!!!!!!!!! I vote no on anything Disney. Standing in lines next to millions of other people (possilbe terrorists) is not my idea of fun. Lake we are talking! I've got friends who rent a house boat annually, so they know how to do it right. Plus we've got access to the Branson boat and Dr. Lipsey's jet ski. Dad's got a canoe too.

Diana Glade said...

I think a house boat would be fun too! My extended family did that a while ago (when I was in elementary school) but I remembering it being fun!

Lorraine said...

I will go for house boat.

Bear said...

We're up for something. We'll have too see, where we are in grad school and all that jazz. Lake Powell sounds like fun. They had this tv special on it and Brent and I commented how it would be fun sometime.