Saturday, October 25, 2008

What did you say? More health issues with Landon

So we discovered another possible side affect from Landon's prematurity. There is a possibility that the inside of his ears did not develop correctly. They did hearing test at school a couple of weeks ago and Landon failed his test. They sent us to the district hearing test office, and they ran some different test and found out that he has had some damage to his hearing. From what they told Nicole and Nicole told me (so I could be telling this all wrong), Landon can't pop his ears the way most people do to equalize the pressure on his eardrum, so there is a build up of negative pressure on his ears. We have an appointment with and ear, nose and throught doctor on Weds. (the same one that took his tonsels out) to see if he can see if it is just from a cold, or if it is something that can be solved by putting tubes in, and or how permanent/bad the damage is to his hearing. We will keep you updated. I'm guessing that Nicole will probably post a blog that has the truth about all this, but I think that I got the jest of it right.

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