So I was talking to a guy from work and we have been talking about going ice fishing for a couple of years, and the stars aligned Saturday and we went up to Strawberry for an afternoon of ice fishing. It was a perfect day and that was a good thing as Landon went thigh high into a hole after we had been there for only 1 minute or 2. After taking him back to the truck and getting him situated we were back on the ice. Fishing was slow and we only caught 1 fish that was in between the throw back size, so back into the hole it went. Outside of getting away from everything and hanging out with the boys and John, it was a good waste of time.
Houston is doing good. He wakes up about every 3 hours to eat and then back to sleep. The other kids like to help with him and we have to be careful as they have all been fighting coughs and colds. Nicole has been getting better day by day.